Three Steps For Getting The Most From Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy
Having an effective homeowner's insurance policy is critical making sure that the investment you made in your home is protected against a variety of the more common threats that it may face. Unfortunately, there are many homeowners that are unsure of the steps that they should take to make sure they are getting the most protection from these policies. To this end, you will want to be mindful of these simple homeowner's insurance tips when it comes to protecting your house.
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Moving To A No-Fault State? What Are Your Insurance Options?
If you've recently decided to move to a new state, you're likely already making arrangements to have your mail forwarded, your bank billing information changed, and your utilities and cable service transferred over to your new home. While registering your vehicle and getting a new driver's license may also be in your plans, when you're moving from a state with the traditional fault structure to a no-fault state, there can be some additional factors to consider.
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Don't Let The Rules For Signing Up For Medicare Catch You Unaware
Even if your full retirement age for filing for Social Security retirement benefits is older, you can still sign up for Medicare at age 65. Although you can elect to postpone enrolling in this federal health insurance program until sometime after age 65, depending on your reason, you can be penalized for signing up for the health plan late. Because that penalty can cost you for the remaining years of your life, it's essential for you to be clear on the rules for enrolling in Medicare.
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What You Need To Know About Having Car Insurance On A Parent's Policy
When you are a teenager and first start driving, you have two options for getting your car insurance. You can apply for your own policy, or be added to the one your parents have. Here is what you need to know about the being added to your parent's existing policy. It's Cheaper It will be cheaper to add yourself to an existing policy that your parents have. Auto insurance companies will consider a new teenage driver a high risk, so the rates will naturally be higher for solo policies.
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Other Things That Commercial Insurance Covers Which May Prove Useful To You As A Landlord
Owning and renting commercial insurance properties brings as many challenges as it does rewards. You are inclined to place insurance on all of your properties wherein people are either working or living, but what about your empty, abandoned properties? How about your land-only commercial properties? Should you cover those, and if so, why? The following reasons to keep commercial insurance on these properties might motivate you to get them covered in a hurry.
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3 Reasons To Insure Your Small Alpaca Farm
Raising animals as a hobby can quickly turn into a source of revenue for many people. Alpacas are prized for the valuable fibers contained in their coats. Selling these fibers can be a great way to supplement your income, but as soon as you begin to make money from your pet alpacas it's important to recognize that you are running a business. Here are three reasons why you should be insuring your small alpaca farm in order to protect your financial resources in the future.
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3 Reasons To Contact Your Car Insurance Agent Before You Move
If you are getting ready to move, you might be thinking about calling a moving company, not your insurance company. However, there are a few reasons why it's important to call your insurance agent before you move. 1. Your Policy Might Require It Many insurance companies require that you notify them if you move and if your vehicle will be garaged elsewhere from the address that has been listed on the policy.
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Three Things To Consider Before Buying A Minimum Coverage Auto Insurance Policy
There are minimum insurance requirements for driving a car. For many car owners, all that is needed is a minimum coverage policy. In most cases, this means you will have liability and property damage. In short, you will have coverage for the damage you do to property and personal injury up to a maximum specified by the law. However, before you purchase this type of policy, there are three things you may want to add to a minimum coverage policy.
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Why You Should Take Out Home Insurance
Your home is your most expensive and valuable purchase, and for that reason, it is imperative that you protect it. One of the ways that you can do that is by taking out a home insurance policy. While some people see these policies as a waste of time, they are actually a really great investment. In fact, home insurance can benefit you (and your home!) in a number of ways.
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Make Sure Your Belongings Are Insured When Traveling
Home insurance insures your home, but it also protects more than that. Most home insurance policies also include personal property coverage. Personal property coverage is designed to insure your personal property, that is your belongings and possessions, against any covered perils, which may include theft, fire or other risks. If you travel, it's this insurance coverage that will protect your belongings that you take with you -- if you have the right type of coverage.
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