Should You Add Your Teen Or Let Them Get Their Own Car Insurance Policy?

Posted on: 18 August 2015

That moment comes for all parents of teenagers when it's time to make a decision: Should you add your teen to your policy? Or should you let your teen have their own policy? This is an important and weighty decision that can have far-reaching effects. Should You Add Them to Your Policy? Adding your teen to your policy isn't like adding another adult. Teenagers are high risk, and adding a high-risk driver to your policy will cause your rates to go up, possibly by a lot.
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Potential Costs Of Switching Your Auto Insurance Companies

Posted on: 30 July 2015

There are several situations in which you may want to switch your auto insurance company. Examples include if you buy a second car, want to add a driver or move to a different state. All these are situations that may affect your insurance premiums, and switching may be desirable if you can find a better offer elsewhere. However, you should do this knowing that there are two potential costs. Cancellation Penalty
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Issues Surrounding Mileage Based Insurance

Posted on: 21 July 2015

Pay-as-you-drive, also known as mileage-based, insurance is one of the new ways of paying for car insurance coverage. In its simplest form, the insurance company charges you based on how much you drive – the more you drive, the more you pay. Since it's a relatively new concept, it's still fraught with misconceptions. Here are some of the things people say about mileage-based insurance, as well as explanations of whether they are true or not:
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Three Simple Changes That Can Reduce Your Home Insurance Premium

Posted on: 15 July 2015

Although you can't put a price on the importance of home insurance, you can make some simple changes to reduce the amount you pay each month. The next time your home insurance policy comes up for renewal, skip the idea of shopping around for a lower rate and, instead, talk to your insurance agent and ask how a number of different factors can lower your premium. The changes you make don't have to be major -- often, a minor change that has little consequence on how you live your day-to-day life can save a significant amount of money.
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