3 Common Car Insurance Myths That Need To Be Scrapped

Posted on: 26 June 2015

Car insurance can be a tricky subject as there are many factors that come into play regarding coverage options and premium rates. Due to this, there are a lot of myths surrounding car insurance that are out there. Below are three such auto insurance myths and the facts behind them. Myth #1: My Insurance Covers Theft, Vandalism, and Weather Damage Fact: The coverage items mentioned above are not standard, but they can be purchased as an optional add-on.
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Letting Your Teen Drive: 4 Money-Saving Tips For Auto Insurance

Posted on: 25 June 2015

It is no secret that children are expensive. Even though you are used to spending money on your child, you may be surprised by how expensive it is when your teen starts driving. The cost of a vehicle, gas, and auto insurance really add up—even if they are helping to pay for it. Fortunately, you can save some cash while still giving your child what they want: their driver's license and a car.
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Ready To Retire? How To Save On Age-Related Auto Insurance Premium Increases

Posted on: 4 June 2015

Car insurance rates are one of the hardest things to predict, particularly as you age. Whether you're getting closer to retirement or you've already gotten there, you're probably going to see an increase in your insurance premium rates. Most insurance companies consider older drivers to be higher risk because of the gradual decline in cognitive responses as you get older. If you're facing increased premiums, here are some suggestions to help you save money in the long run.
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Three Reasons Why All Young Adults Should Invest In Life Insurance

Posted on: 7 November 2014

As a young twenty-something, you may be scratching your head as to why you would need to invest in life insurance. It is already difficult enough to budget with your limited salary. Adding an additional expense to the mix would only make matters worse. Futhermore, you would likely never see anything tangible come from such an expense. Truth be told, purchasing life insurance at a young age is one of the best decisions you could possibly make.
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