When You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer
Posted on: 28 October 2014
If you were injured in an accident, the first thought that may come to mind is to sue the person responsible. When someone causes you physical harm with long term consequences, you deserve you be compensated for their actions. Consider hiring a personal injury lawyer in the following situations.
Your Injuries Have Repercussions On Your Daily Life
If an injury is minor, it will heal, and you will eventually be able to move on with your life as if the injury never happened. If the injury was able to cause enough damage to make an impact on the way you live your life, you may have a valid case for a lawsuit.
For example, an injury that prevents you from doing your job as effectively as you did before would be a reason to seek damages, as it will have an impact on your career.
You Need Compensation For Lost Wages
If your injury left you unable to work for a long period of time, chances are that your employer did not pay you for your time off from work. Those lost wages are not gone forever, as you can sue the person responsible for those lost wages.
Compensation for financial damages is just as important as compensation for physical damage.
The Person That Caused Your Injuries Was Not Insured
It can be very difficult to collect compensation from someone that injured you if they do not have insurance, or even if they do not have good insurance. Many insurance policies cover injuries to another person to a certain dollar amount, leaving the policyholder responsible to cover the remainder. They might not have purchased an umbrella policy that gives them additional liability coverage for personal injuries.
In either situation, you might have to take the person to court so that their wages can be garnished to pay your compensation.
There Are Questions As To Who Was At Fault
It can sometimes be difficult to prove who was at fault in an accident. Determining fault is very important in a personal injury claim, because if you were at fault, the other party is not responsible for paying any of your damages.
If there is ever a question about who was at fault for an accident, you will need a good personal injury lawyer to help fight for you.
By hiring a personal injury lawyer in any of these situations, you will help ensure that you are compensated for your losses. Speak with an experienced attorney for more information.