5 Tips For Lowering Auto Insurance For Teenagers
Posted on: 4 November 2014
When it comes to keeping your insurance costs low when a teenager is added to your policy, this can be challenging. Insurance companies typically charge more for new or inexperienced drivers. As a parent, who may be responsible for paying the bill, it's important to know effective tips to help keep insurance costs down when the teenager in your family starts driving.
Tip #1: Insure an older car for your teenager Avoid obtaining a comprehensive policy that may be expensive when insuring your teen. If the teenager drives a car that is older, this may only require liability insurance and this coverage is significantly cheaper than many other types of coverage.
Tip #2: Add your teenager to your policy One effective way to keep costs down when your teenager starts driving is to add this individual onto your current policy. This is a better option that can save you money rather than having the teenager start a new policy with your insurance provider. Additionally, most customers have a long history of being with the same provider, and this will allow for even greater discounts.
Tip #3: Encourage your teenager to have good grades Being a good student can pay off when it comes to lower insurance rates. Many companies will give a good student discount when the individual has at least a 3.0 GPA. This may reduce the costs of auto insurance for an inexperienced driver as much as 15% or more.
Tip #4: Sign your teenager up for a defensive driving course
Many insurance companies will decrease the cost of insurance premiums if your teenager has completed a defensive driving course. This class can be taken online for as little as $25 per course in some areas.
Additionally, the capability take a class remotely may be more motivating for your teenager to get started right away.
Tip #5: Practice driving around with your teenager
Take the time to ride with your teenager when driving. This will allow you to point out situations that may have been handled better with a safer driving approach. This may help your teenager avoid accidents in the future. By giving driving tips to your teenager, this can help ensure safety is practiced more frequently when driving.
Finally, keeping car insurance low when adding a teenager to the policy can be challenging, but it is possible. Consider discussing with your insurance agent, such as someone from Dawson Insurance Agency Incorporated, additional ways to assist you in getting the lowest insurance rates possible when faced with this scenario.