Nearing Your Wedding Day? Insurance Options Every Couple Must Consider
Posted on: 1 September 2015
If you are almost to your wedding day and you and your spouse are talking about joining finances, you will want to talk about insurance. There are a few types of insurance that may be necessary after you get married, especially if you are traveling away for a honeymoon, so you can protect each other if anything comes up.
You'll want to talk with an insurance agent before you head off on your honeymoon. Ask them about the following insurance policies, and get them activated as quickly as possible.
Travel Insurance
You want travel insurance in case your vacation doesn't go as planned. If anything gets lost or stolen, the insurance will replace it. And if your reservations are wrong or you have to cancel, the insurance can help cover the costs for new arrangements. You also want to have medical coverage, in case there is an accident or incident that requires you to get medical treatment that may be expensive while you're traveling.
Life Insurance
If something happened to the two of you while you were traveling and one of you didn't make the trip back, the other is financially responsible for all of the deceased person's debts and funeral expenses. It's imperative to have coverage to protect against this, and to help out your loved ones if both of you were in a fatal accident. Get life insurance before you leave on the trip, and you can even use your policy to plan for the future.
Unemployment Insurance
If you are buying a house, investing in a business, or making financial plans based off two incomes instead of one, unemployment insurance is a great consideration. This means that you will get monthly compensation until you can find a job and replace that income. Talk with an agent to find out what amount is needed based on your current lifestyle.
The minute you become legally married you aren't just responsible for yourself; you're also responsible for another person financially. Talk with an insurance agent to make sure you have all of the insurance that you need in case something terrible happens when you least expect it, so your spouse is protected both right after the wedding and years down the road. You can adjust your policies as needed as time goes on, but you want to protect your spouse right away with as much coverage as you can afford.