Need More Help With Your Insurance Claim?: Legally Recognized Professionals That Can Get Your Claim Processed
Posted on: 9 February 2016
When you need to file a claim with your home insurance provider, you may think that the only thing you need to do is file your claim. Sometimes that is easier said than done. If your claim is stuck in your insurance provider's processing department, you may need extra help to get your claim through. These legally recognized professionals manage your claim from the start straight through to the legal filing of a lawsuit should your claim be denied. Here are the job titles of these professionals, what they do and how they can help you.
Public Adjuster
A public adjuster is the only claims adjuster that actually advocates for you. The public adjuster is usually hired by you to assess the damages to your home and provide the insurance company a very precise estimate of the damages and the expected costs to repair and replace the damaged parts of your home. When the insurance company is slow to send their own assessor, you can hire a public adjuster to complete this step in your claims process. Additionally, if there is any question that your insurance company received an assessment for your claim, the public adjuster that you hired can verify when and how the assessment was sent to the insurance company.
Property Tax Assessor
In some states, the property tax assessor has to be alerted to the fact that your home has incurred some serious damages. Since he or she already has to come to the property to assess the devaluation of the property and the estimated increase in value in the event that your claim is approved and your house is repaired, he or she can also assist you with your claim. The documents that the property tax assessor provides to you he or she can also send a copy to the insurance company as evidence of the damages and expected costs of repair. In the event that you also need to sue your insurance company, the property tax assessor can attest to his or her involvement with the claims process.
Insurance Claims Attorney
Attorneys that specialize in claims denials can help you file a lawsuit against your insurance company when they refuse to pay out on your claim. If you feel that your insurance company's offer or payment is not on par with the assessments given by the property tax assessor and the public adjuster, then the lawyer can help you get compensation that matches the other professionals' estimates of the damages and repair costs. Usually the claims process does not end up in court, but at least you know that this professional is available to help you if you need him/her. Contact a company, such as Skipton Claims Management, for more information.