Quick Tips To Lower Your Auto Insurance Rate

Posted on: 24 February 2016

If the cost of your car insurance is really high, you have probably considered switching to a liability coverage plan or minimizing your coverage tremendously. Though these are both ways to save money on your car insurance premium, it can definitely put you at risk, which can end up costing you more in potential car damages if you happen to be involved in a car accident. So, if you want to lower the costs of your car insurance rate, be sure to avoid putting yourself at risk and do the following:

Pay More for Accidents and Claims:

It is likely that you'll never have to file a claim against your insurance policy and if you do it is likely very rare. Well, if you are confident enough that your safe driving skills will prevent you from having to make a claim, consider increasing your deductible rate. Paying a higher deductible rate, even if you increase it by a few hundred dollars can save you a good amount of money on a monthly basis, which can end up be a very great option. Keep in mind, your deductible rate is only paid if you have to file a claim, so if you continue to stay safe, you'll never have to worry about this expense. 

Evaluate Your Actual Coverage Needs:

Over time, your vehicle will depreciate in value and it can be an easy mistake to pay for more coverage than what your vehicle is actually worth, especially if you haven't updated your car's current value. So, if your car is no longer worth $14,000 and is now worth $6,000 be sure to update this in your policy so you can obtain a lower coverage amount while still receiving enough coverage to cover the entire value of your vehicle. 

Opt out of Default Coverage's:

If you haven't thoroughly reviewed your policy, there may be some coverage that you are paying for that you may not necessarily need. So, if you are paying for roadside coverage or even membership benefits, consider opting out of these two coverage's as you'll likely not utilize them enough to take advantage of their benefits. 

Along with saving money by implementing these tips into your policy, you will be able to obtain the same great coverage that you already have so you can avoid putting yourself at great risk of driving around town without the proper coverage that you and your car needs. So, instead of assuming that your only chance to obtain lower rates is to lower your coverage, be sure to keep these three tips in mind as they can definitely help you save money. 

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Auto Insurance Claim Challenges: When The Other Driver Is Arrested

I always thought insurance claims for accidents were pretty straightforward until I was rear-ended by a driver who was intoxicated. Since he was arrested for driving under the influence, I had a hard time filing the claim with his insurance company. They couldn't talk to him while he was in jail, so the whole process became much more complex. I realized that there wasn't a lot of information out there about what to expect in these types of situations, so I decided to create this site to help others see what I went through and how the situation was finally resolved. I hope that it helps you if you're ever in an accident like mine and the at-fault driver is difficult to reach.

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