The Top 3 Benefits Of Choosing A Whole Life Insurance Policy

Posted on: 11 July 2022

The first decision you will need to make when getting a life insurance quote is whether you wish to purchase a whole-life or a term-life policy. While there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each of these options, many people ultimately find that whole-life insurance policies are the more beneficial option. Continue reading to learn more about some of the benefits that these policies have to offer so that you can decide for yourself whether a whole-life policy is right for you.

Benefit #1: Whole Life Insurance Policies Build Cash Value

Whole-life insurance policies not only offer benefits for your family in the event of your death, but they also offer benefits that you can enjoy while you are still alive. The most notable of these living benefits is the cash value that whole-life insurance policies accumulate over time. If you ever find yourself in a financial bind, you will be able to borrow against the cash value of your policy. While you will need to pay back any money that is borrowed against this policy, many people will find that this is a better option than taking on the burden of a personal loan when dealing with a financial emergency. 

Benefit #2: Whole Life Policies Offer A Guaranteed Death Benefit

A term-life insurance policy will only pay out a death benefit if you happen to die during the term that is covered under the policy. This means that you could easily end up paying for the entire policy without ever benefiting from it. With a whole-life insurance policy, your policy is guaranteed to pay out a death benefit regardless of when you die. As long as you remain current on your payments, you can be sure that a whole-life policy will provide your family with the insurance benefits they need in the wake of your death. 

Benefit #3: Whole Life Insurance Policies Offer Guaranteed Rates

Term-life insurance policies will often become increasingly expensive to purchase as you age. This is especially true if you develop any medical conditions over your lifetime which could impact the risk that the insurance company is taking by insuring you. This is not the case with whole-life insurance policies. When you choose to purchase a whole-life policy, you will pay the same monthly premium every month for as long as you keep the policy. This means that you will be able to avoid all of the rate increases that typically come along with growing older or becoming ill.

For more information about life insurance, contact an insurance agency in your area.


Auto Insurance Claim Challenges: When The Other Driver Is Arrested

I always thought insurance claims for accidents were pretty straightforward until I was rear-ended by a driver who was intoxicated. Since he was arrested for driving under the influence, I had a hard time filing the claim with his insurance company. They couldn't talk to him while he was in jail, so the whole process became much more complex. I realized that there wasn't a lot of information out there about what to expect in these types of situations, so I decided to create this site to help others see what I went through and how the situation was finally resolved. I hope that it helps you if you're ever in an accident like mine and the at-fault driver is difficult to reach.

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